Monday, 13 February 2017

Mahakosh DAT Maharashtra

Mahakosh DAT Maharashtra:

Mahakosh is an online portal created by finance department, government of Maharashtra. It is an integrated application comprising of different modules that is developed under integrated financial management system (IFMS). The following are the applications covered by this portal are
Budget Estimation, Allocation and monitoring system (BEAMS), Government Receipt Accounting system (GRAS), Employees Payroll Package (SEVAARTH), Defined contribution pension scheme (DCPS), Old Pension scheme (Nivrutteniwahini), Pay verification unit – service book status (Vetanika), MIS for expenditure and receipts (Koshwahini) and Management system for Treasury net (Arthwahini).

Mahakosh Online Portal  - DAT Maharashtra

Sevaarth Mahakosh is a web application portal that is designed to specifically to automate the salary billing process of state government employees in order to prepare the salary bills of the state government employees of Maharashtra and also to generate or view these salary bills according to the employee’s wish.  This website also provides services for pension schemes to where this site is mainly used for preparing the pensions for the retired state government employees and it also prepares the pension bills for both first time and monthly pensioners who are under the government of Maharashtra.

How to view the pay slip in Mahakosh DAT Maharashtra?

Link -

The above link can be used to login to this website and also to view the options that are available in the left side of this page such as Notice board details about sevaarth, pension and DCPS and then the user can check out the user manual option available for sevaarth, DCPS, pension, GPF group D and loans & advances, the users can also look into the FAQs option that is used to view the frequently asked questions and answers. The page also has an option for employee corner where the user can check it out to view the options available for employees under this portal. It also has details about miscellaneous activities, important links and also has a graphical summary report for sevaarth.

The user should first login to this integrated finance management system web portal in order to access the services available in this site. The user name of the particular DDO is the sevaarth ID or employee code and default password will be employee date of birth in ddmmyyyy format. If the date of birth of any employee is not found then the default password for that employee would be 01019999.

First time users will be prompted to change the default password and the user can use the virtual keyboard to change the password and then click the submit button to change the password.

The user can also click the forget password button if the user forgets the changed password. The user will be redirected to another page where the user should enter the user name and the system will validate the user name and if it is found correct it will populate all other fields such as date of birth, secret question and answer.

The system will validate these values and on successful validation the password will be reset to default password.

After successful login home screen appears with welcome note where it displays designation, name and treasury of the user mentioned.

The users can download their pay slip in two ways by either using the option available in the home page of sevaarth screen such as employee corner or from the worklist option available in the IFMS web page.

In order to access the pay slip using employee corner option the user should login using the sevaarth id, default password such as ifms123 and the user should enter the captcha that is being displayed. On successful logging the user will be redirected to another page where the user should click the employee corner option and click on view pay slip option. The user should select the month and year of pay slip whichever the user want to download and the view pay slip button needs to be clicked to view the slip and the same can be downloaded by clicking the print button available in the same page.

This facility is available from 5th day to 15th day of the month under DDO assistant login.
The user can also download their pay slip using the worklist option available in IFMS page where the user should select payroll and then report and then page wise abstract report option. The user will be prompted to enter the month, year and bill number such as name of the bill group for which the pay slip need to be generated and the user should click the generate report button in order to download the pay slip. The user can also use the option such as outer under worklist; payroll and report where the user needs to enter the bill number, month and year to generate the pay slip.

Hope the article Mahakosh DAT Maharashtra useful for you.

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